Group Legal Services Employee Wellbeing

Providing employees with affordable and convenient legal services often results in employers with employees that are able to stay more focused on their work compared to if they did not have these services. Many people, many of whom are employees, are overwhelmed with planning for the future and how to deal with it when they have unexpected needs for legal advice and representation. Providing employees with legal plan options can help them to be in control of stressful and expensive situations in life. Many employers have found the benefits to providing their employees with options for group legal services plans, result in their employees being able to stay focused on work. Some of the reasons for this are as follows:

Employee Focus 76% of employers who offer a legal plan to their employees say that one of their top reasons for doing this is so that employees can spend less time dealing with personal issues while at work. Having a group legal plan provides Access to a network of attorneys that can draft legal documents, and in many cases, can attend hearings and make court appearances on an employees behalf. In these situations, having group legal services for employees, often results in employees needing to take less time off of work for personal business. This, as well as the piece of mind knowing that their legal needs are being taken care of, often gives employees the ability to be more focused and productive while they are at work.

Being Prepared Many legal plans offer workshops and seminars to their members to help them get the education to be more in control of their current and future financial situations. 75% from a poll of employees that have a legal plan said that they feel more confident about planning for today and the future.

Saves Money Being a part of group legal services will save employees money if they wind up using the covered legal services. On average, group legal plan members pay less than $200 a year for unlimited use of their plan. Many private attorneys charge upwards of $300 or even more, per hour. Paying for an entire year of a group legal plan is often less than seeing an attorney for just one hour.

Stress Relief More than 50% of employees with legal plans said that they feel less stress of the unknown, knowing that they are prepared with legal coverage that can handle unforeseen legal events, as well as to help them stay on top of known legal needs. 

Easy Access to Attorneys The majority of employees that are members of a legal plan, say that two of the key benefits is having access to above average legal services, as well as a higher responsiveness from lawyers. Many employers feel that the above employee benefits, as well as ones not mentioned here, add to their workforce’s overall health and productivity.